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Reaching new audiences: NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries

The National Marine Sanctuary system's national recreation and tourism office was looking for ways to reach out to new audiences regarding the many experiences and opportunities marine sanctuaries offer beyond recreation such as boating, fishing, or diving. I suggested creating new content aimed at engaging more general tourism audiences such as culinary, heritage, and experiential travelers. One example from my broader set of recommendations is this story on sustainable seafood and culinary heritage related to marine sanctuaries. It has been a pleasure to see these recommendations continue to come to fruition–such as in this piece on marine sanctuary camping itineraries

Seafood Curry
Where Two Tides Meet:  How cultural heritage management principles can inform natural heritage destination stewardship.

This research-based set of recommendations created for the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries details ways in which cultural heritage-based communications and management strategies can boost current natural heritage resource management strategies, inform new audience engagement, and enhance future education and stewardship strategies. (20 pages)

Whale Research
Proposal: Heritage Interpretation at Tsankawi, Bandelier National Monument

This presentation proposes a hi-tech, accessible, and "hands free" approach to interpretation of living culture and heritage at Tsankawi Prehistoric site, an independent unit of Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico. The goal of the interpretation program is to make information about the site accessible to a wider audience but also to build a bridge between the management responsibilities of the National Park Service and the living culture needs of Tsankawi’s ancestral community, San Ildefonso pueblo. (20 minutes)

A Walk Through Time image.png

This analysis looks at economics and alternative values at this unique UNESCO World Heritage site. As one of the world's first, and largest, Marine Protected Areas, PIPA is (well, perhaps was) primed not only to be a wellspring of scientific data but also a study of alternative values beyond purely economic.


I am endlessly intrigued by the possibilities of digital storytelling! This short film was completed in 2021 as an exercise in public history. The goal being to "find the micro in the macro" or, in other words, use the finer details to develop the bigger story. (7 minutes)

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A broad analysis of values-based heritage management theory and practice, with suggested applications, in response to the international uprisings related to monuments and contested history. 

Metal human statue

This content can be found online but it is important to me because it was an incredible challenge to create over 150 biographies of people I do not know, in just a matter of weeks. It was more of an honor than a challenge though, as I got to know these incredibly talented artists and culture-bearers who work so hard to share their creations, and messages, with the rest of the world.

Image courtesy IFAM - International Folk Art Market/Olinda Silvano Inuma de Arias

This cover story for the Santa Fe Reporter digs into New Mexico's roots as one of the oldest wine grape growing areas in the country. Much has changed as the state readies to celebrate its 400th anniversary of viticulture.

Santa Fe Reporter Cover Story.png
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